Reading Challenge
Explore how new and exciting adventures can begin at your library with our community this summer! Log the minutes you read to earn badges and entries for a chance to win prizes! 1,200 minutes of reading complete the challenge, but reading over 1,200 minutes earns you more badges and extra entries. You can also complete activities and write reviews to earn badges and extra entries. Everyone under 18 who completes the challenge will earn a prize. The top reader (most minutes read) in each age group will also win a prize! We’ll also draw a random winner from each age group. The more badges you earn, the more entries you will receive! We are working towards a community goal of 100,000 minutes! Help us reach the community goal, and challenge your family and friends!
The Summer Reading Challenge runs from June 1st through August 12th!
Sign up begins May 13th. There are a couple of different ways to register yourself or your family for our challenge!
Open your web browser and go to tbflibrary.beanstack.org. Choose the Summer Reading Challenge and register! It’s that easy!
Go to either Google Play or the App Store and search for Beanstack Tracker. Download the app and install. (You can use this Quick Help Link for more information about how to get the App!)
- Once you open the App on your phone, you will be asked to choose a School, Library or Bookstore, Company or “I’m Not with an organization”. Please choose School, Library or Bookstore.
- At the bottom, you will see a search box asking for the name of a site. Please Enter Thomas Beaver Free Library and press enter.
- Choose Thomas Beaver Free Library and you will go immediately to the sign in page. If you already have a login, enter it here otherwise you can choose to Sign up!
- Make sure you join the Our Community Reads Summer Challenge!
Parents, once you have registered yourself, you can register other family members to track how great everyone does this summer!
If you have any problems signing up, give our staff a call at
and we can help!
How to log your books/minutes/challenges:
- Open your web browser and go to https://tbflibrary.beanstack.org. Once you have logged in, you can begin logging your progress!
- The home screen will show which challenges you are part of.
- Move your cursor to the upper left hand of the screen to where it says Log Reading and Activities.
- There are three options for logging: Start a timer if you want to have the application track your time; Log Minutes if you want to manually enter your time and finally Log Activities.
- Start Timer: Click on start timer if you want the computer to calculate the amount of time you are reading. Just remember to stop the timer when you’re finished!
- Log Activities: Have you completed a book review, drawn the character or wrote a new ending to a story? These are all activities that can be completed to win more badges!
- Log Minutes: Enter the number of minutes, or hours and minutes (33m or 1h22m), book title and author are optional
- Open the Beanstack Tracker App on your phone, after you login, press the Plus sign at the bottom of the screen. You will have the opportunity to log Reading, Activity or write a review.
- To log reading activity, you can have multiple ways to add your work. You can scan the ISBN for the book to log a completed title, you can search for a title, manually enter the title information or log specific amount of time or number of pages.
Paper Method
For those of you who are not able to register online or who would like to keep paper records, you can bring the information to the library and a staff member can add your accomplishments to the community total! All we will need is the amount of time you read, the number of pages, or in some cases if you completed a book just let us know! Here is a form that you can use to manage your reading goals! Just print it out and bring it in when you can!
This year we will have a community goal to read 100,000 minutes and we know WE CAN DO THIS!!
- Anyone under 18 who reads 1,000 minutes will earn a prize.
- The top reader (most minutes read) in each age group, including adults, will also win a prize!
- There will also be one person from each age group drawn at random to will win a prize. Remember, the more minutes you read and reviews and activities you complete, the more entries you will earn towards the random drawing.